Flea season never really ended this year because of our relatively mild winter. The best approach to flea control is to completely eradicate them from your pets' environment.
Fleas mount your dog or cat and take a blood meal. If you see black specks in your pet's coat this is flea feces (yuck!) which is primarily dried blood.
Female fleas will then begin to lay 20 to 50 eggs per day, so it easy to see why a small flea population quickly becomes a major infestation. The eggs develop into larvae and then adults over the next few weeks and begin the process all over again.
The following are keys to eradicating fleas:
1. Control the fleas on you cats and dogs. There is no difference between the dog and cat flea, so if you see fleas on your dog, then your cat has fleas even if you can't find them. So you need effective control on all pets.
There are a number of options for controlling fleas on pets and during your office visits we will tailor the best approach for your pets.
2. Control flea eggs and larvae in the environment. We recommend you use a commercial service to treat your pets' environment for flea eggs and larvae. Available products inhibit development of flea eggs and larvae, breaking the flea cycle.
If done well, flea eradication can be done in a closed environment over a one to four month period. So let us know if you need help making and implementing a plan to make your home and pets flea free!
